Spring 体系版本对应关系
2023-08-17 22:44:24
{ "git":{ "branch":"e2c57a85e4796f80ac268ffd24d051dd3897b786", "commit":{ "id":"e2c57a8", "time":"2023-08-16T12:01:22Z" } }, "build":{ "version":"0.0.1-SNAPSHOT", "artifact":"start-site", "versions":{ "spring-boot":"3.1.2", "initializr":"0.20.1-SNAPSHOT" }, "name":"start.spring.io website", "time":"2023-08-16T12:04:23.804Z", "group":"io.spring.start" }, "bom-ranges":{ "codecentric-spring-boot-admin":{ "2.6.8":"Spring Boot >=2.6.0 and <2.7.0-M1", "2.7.4":"Spring Boot >=2.7.0-M1 and <3.0.0-M1", "3.0.4":"Spring Boot >=3.0.0-M1 and <3.1.0-M1", "3.1.1":"Spring Boot >=3.1.0-M1 and <3.2.0-M1" }, "hilla":{ "2.1.4":"Spring Boot >=3.1.0-M1 and <3.2.0-M1" }, "sentry":{ "6.28.0":"Spring Boot >=2.7.0 and <3.2.0-M1" }, "solace-spring-boot":{ "1.2.2":"Spring Boot >=2.6.0 and <3.0.0-M1", "2.0.0":"Spring Boot >=3.0.0-M1" }, "solace-spring-cloud":{ "2.3.2":"Spring Boot >=2.6.0 and <3.0.0-M1", "3.0.0":"Spring Boot >=3.0.0-M1" }, "spring-cloud":{ "2021.0.8":"Spring Boot >=2.6.0 and <3.0.0", "2022.0.4":"Spring Boot >=3.0.0 and <3.2.0-M1", "2023.0.0-M1":"Spring Boot >=3.2.0-M1 and <3.2.0-SNAPSHOT", "2023.0.0-SNAPSHOT":"Spring Boot >=3.2.0-SNAPSHOT" }, "spring-cloud-azure":{ "4.10.0":"Spring Boot >=2.6.0 and <3.0.0-M1", "5.4.0":"Spring Boot >=3.0.0-M1 and <3.2.0-M1" }, "spring-cloud-gcp":{ "3.6.3":"Spring Boot >=2.6.0 and <3.0.0-M1", "4.7.2":"Spring Boot >=3.0.0-M1 and <3.2.0-M1" }, "spring-cloud-services":{ "3.4.0":"Spring Boot >=2.6.0 and <2.7.0-M1", "3.5.0":"Spring Boot >=2.7.0-M1 and <3.0.0-M1", "4.0.3":"Spring Boot >=3.0.0 and <3.2.0-M1" }, "spring-modulith":{ "1.0.0-RC2":"Spring Boot >=3.1.0 and <3.2.0-M1" }, "spring-shell":{ "2.1.12":"Spring Boot >=2.7.0 and <3.0.0-M1", "3.0.7":"Spring Boot >=3.0.0 and <3.1.0-M1", "3.1.3":"Spring Boot >=3.1.0 and <3.2.0-M1", "3.2.0-M1":"Spring Boot >=3.2.0-M1" }, "vaadin":{ "23.2.15":"Spring Boot >=2.6.0 and <2.7.0-M1", "23.3.20":"Spring Boot >=2.7.0-M1 and <3.0.0-M1", "24.0.12":"Spring Boot >=3.0.0-M1 and <3.1.0-M1", "24.1.5":"Spring Boot >=3.1.0-M1 and <3.2.0-M1" }, "wavefront":{ "2.2.2":"Spring Boot >=2.6.0 and <2.7.0-M1", "2.3.4":"Spring Boot >=2.7.0-M1 and <3.0.0-M1", "3.0.1":"Spring Boot >=3.0.0-M1 and <3.1.0-M1" } }, "dependency-ranges":{ "okta":{ "2.1.6":"Spring Boot >=2.6.0 and <3.0.0-M1", "3.0.4":"Spring Boot >=3.0.0-M1 and <3.2.0-M1" }, "mybatis":{ "2.2.2":"Spring Boot >=2.6.0 and <2.7.0-M1", "2.3.1":"Spring Boot >=2.7.0-M1 and <3.0.0-M1", "3.0.2":"Spring Boot >=3.0.0-M1" }, "pulsar":{ "0.2.0":"Spring Boot >=3.0.0 and <3.2.0-M1" }, "pulsar-reactive":{ "0.2.0":"Spring Boot >=3.0.0 and <3.2.0-M1" }, "camel":{ "3.14.9":"Spring Boot >=2.6.0 and <2.7.0-M1", "3.20.6":"Spring Boot >=2.7.0.M1 and <3.0.0-M1", "4.0.0":"Spring Boot >=3.0.0-M1 and <3.2.0-M1" }, "picocli":{ "4.7.4":"Spring Boot >=2.6.0 and <3.1.0-M1" } } }